Go-to-Market by Herizon

Go-to-market research

An agile global market research service designed to assist in understanding and leveraging global opportunities cost-effectively using digital channels.

Go-to-market research

Towards global business

Our comprehensive global market research service is designed to assist businesses in understanding and capitalizing on global opportunities.

Our network encompasses experts from over 70 different countries, meaning we can provide customized and targeted market research services for almost any country.

Immigrants living in Finland represent a unique asset for businesses aiming to go global. Their profound understanding of their own domestic markets offers valuable insights and perspectives that are invaluable for Finnish companies planning to expand into new markets.

Recognizing this potential, we offer a service that leverages immigrants' domestic market understanding to provide a cost-effective and digital channel-driven market research service to support businesses in their internationalization efforts.

5 pilot customers in 2 months

Successful Business Finland Tempo project in 2 months

Despite initial challenges where the Tempo project did not progress as desired, the situation changed when a new team member was found through Herizon.

After this, the work of Kuulu.io gained new momentum, and the team is now ready to start testing, receiving feedback, and further developing their operations.

Frequently asked questions

If you have any further questions, please contact us.

Herizon's market research services are designed for businesses of all sizes interested in expanding their operations to new markets where the target audience is accessible via digital channels. Our services are particularly suited for companies that wish to deepen their understanding of specific markets, identify new business opportunities, or develop effective strategies to reach their target markets. Whether you are a startup, a medium-sized enterprise, or a large conglomerate, we offer customized information and strategies to support your business growth and internationalization.

The aim of Quick Market Research is to provide fast and key insights to guide decision-making and strategy planning. Typically, you can expect results within 2-4 weeks of starting the service. This timeframe allows for a thorough analysis to be conducted and targeted recommendations to be developed for your business needs.

A Market Research Project is a three-month in-depth study that provides a comprehensive analysis of selected markets. It includes precise market analysis, in-depth target audience analysis, channel and content strategies, and practical actions and recommendations. Unlike Quick Market Research, which focuses on rapid insights, the Market Research Project is more extensive and offers long-term strategies and plans for effectively leveraging markets.

Yes, the Market Research Project is fully customizable to your business's needs and objectives. At Herizon, we understand that each business and market is unique, and therefore we offer flexibility in defining the project scope, focus areas, and objectives. At the start of the project, we work closely with you to define the research objectives and ensure that the outcome supports your business growth strategy.

Go-to-market research packages


Choose from our ready-made market research packages designed to cover the most common research needs or book a free initial consultation.

Quick Market Research

Quick Market Research is a fast and efficient way to gain knowledge and understanding of your target markets. This service is designed to provide businesses with quick insights that help guide decision-making and strategy planning.

2000 /market
  • Quick analysis of the target market
  • Understanding of the target audience in digital channels
  • Contact and interview with the target audience (up to 5)
Market Research Project

The Market Research Project is an in-depth and comprehensive service that provides a broad understanding of selected markets over three months. This project is designed for businesses committed to thoroughly understanding their target markets and developing long-term strategies to succeed in the digital environment.

10K / 3 months
  • In-depth research of the target market
  • Precise segmentation and analysis of target groups
  • Customized strategies from digital channels
  • Contact and interview with the target audience (up to 20)

Let's explore collobration

Contact us and let's work together for the more diverse future in tech.